Thursday, August 27, 2015

Do rabbits and g-tubes mix?

We raise bunnies.  It catches most people off guard when we answer the question, "What do you do with all those rabbits?"  Well, I'll let your imagination run with that one.  While the bunnies are growing my daughter loves to sit in with all 20 rabbits in the colony and watch them "dance".  So, just this morning we were sitting on a hay bale, her on my lap, while all of the sudden I feel moisture on my leg.  This is never a good thing.  Ever.  I can't imagine a moment where that might be a good thing, but especially when there is a three year old on your lap.  I look down expecting the worst, and to my surprise I find home blended formula all over my leg.  A shot of relief and then a quick call to action! Opening the pump i check all the usual places we get leaks.  and they are all good.  Thats when i look down and see the extension tube is cut almost all the way through.  A bunny in mear seconds nipped the tube.  So sneaky, i didn't even see it hop up on the hay bale!  Cant blame the little guy, my daughters food is full of good stuff! Just remember while playing with rabbits, make sure extension tubes are hidden.

The crime scene!

The dammage!

The culprit! Are his days numbered? Na, he is too cute.  He is actually going to a friends house to make more bunnies.

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